Increase fine detail with no extra steps by scheduling unet self attention via /r/comfyui

Increase fine detail with no extra steps by scheduling unet self attention

I haven't found any references to this trick after a quick google search so I'm sharing it here. Reducing unet attention seems to encourage any model to produce more fine detail like skin texture at the expense of more mistakes in the composition. By reducing self attention for the end of the generation only the drawback is mostly mitigated.

Submitted May 30, 2024 at 08:02PM by pellik
via reddit

New shortcuts to align nodes and distribute horizontal/vertical spacing evenly via /r/comfyui

New shortcuts to align nodes and distribute horizontal/vertical spacing evenly

Just made a little update in :

Alt + W/S/A/D to align selected nodes.

Alt + H/V to distribute horizontal/vertical spacing evenly.

Submitted June 14, 2024 at 07:59PM by Serious-Pen1433
via reddit

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